Writing Nécessaire, English or Continental. 18th-19th Century.
Writing Nécessaire, English or Continental. 18th-19th Century.
This sumptuous nécessaire features gilt copper mounts framing red glass plaques with silver foil backing. Inside there is a mirror and elements for writing; bottles, one for ink and one for sand or pounce for blotting, a pencil or stylus holder and a red glass fob seal, not engraved. The wooden body of the box is covered in green shagreen and the metal mounts and fittings are all gilt copper.
This particular use of red glass in this manner is rare and unusual and I was unable to locate any other comparable examples in the literature. The red glass plaques are flat with gently sloping edges and are silver foil backed to add a radial light burst effect. Due to the saturation of color and relative thickness of the glass they evoke a jewel-like quality.
A 'nécessaire' was an luxury object designed to hold a range of scent bottles, cosmetics, grooming tools or writing implements for portable use. Various configurations were made in a range of luxury materials. In this example green shagreen, gilt copper, lead crystal, mirror, and most notably large ruby-like glass plaques were combined to make a delightful writing kit.
Apparently unmarked.
2.78x2.33x1.84 in (7.07 x 6 x 4.7 cm)
Possibly the seal fob is a not original to the grouping. All the attached gilt elements are secure. The red glass plaques are secure and free of cracks. The front panel has two red glass plaques, the upper one may have had the foil replaced at one time. The shagreen has some losses and repairs on the edges and there has been in painting in these areas of loss. One rivet missing on back hinge, the hinge is still very secure. The mirror has some age spots and discoloration. The piece has been waxed with conservators wax.